* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. NO, [00:00:01] THE MEETING IS NOW ADJOURNED AND WILL NOW BE, UH, WE NOW HAVE [ CALL TO ORDER: Council Chamber ROLL CALL: Chair Medrano Vice Chair Simonian Director Espinoza Director Gomez Director Nigsarian] THE CHAIR WILL NOW A CHAIR, THE HOUSING AUTHORITY. THANK YOU, MR. DIRECTOR. I'LL NOW CALL THE ORDER THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF LA HOUSING AUTHORITY OF NOVEMBER 20, 20, 23. LET THE RECORD REFLECT THAT ITS 7:36 PM WILL THE SECRETARY POLICE CALL ROLL? YES. DIRECTOR, DIRECTOR GOMEZ HERE. DIRECTOR ESPINOZA. HERE. VICE-CHAIR HERE. CHAIRMAN MADANO HERE. MOVING ON TO, UH, PUBLIC COMMENTS. AND WHEN ADDRESS IN THE CITY OF OHIO HOUSING AUTHORITY, PLEASE COMPLETE SPEAKER BOARD THE COUNCIL CHAMBER GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS SHALL BE RECEIVED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE GOVERNING BODY MEETING AND LIMITED THE THREE MINUTES PER INDIVIDUAL TOTAL TIME. LIMITED 30 MINUTES FOR ALL COMMENTS. UNLESS A MODIFIED BY THE CHAIR MEETING TIME MAY NOT BE GRANTED OR TO ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL FOR PURPOSES OF EXTENDING AVAILABLE SPEAKING TIME, COMMENTS MUST BE BRIEF. NON-REPETITIVE AND PROFESSIONAL NATURE CHAIR, PUBLIC PORTION OF THE MEETING ALLOWS THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS ANY ITEM OF CITY BUSINESS NOT APPEARING ON THE AGENDA FOR GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION. SUCH COMMENTS SHALL NOT BE RESPONDED TO BY THE GOVERNING BODY DURING THE MEETING. IF WE HAVE ANY, UH, ANY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, WE SPEAK ALL [ CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters on Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion unless a Director, City staff member, or member of the audience requests separate action or removal of an item. Removed items will be considered following the Consent Calendar portion of this agenda. Public comment shall be limited to three (3) minutes per individual, with a total time limit of 30 minutes per item that has been removed for separate discussion, unless otherwise modified by the Chair. Speaking time may not be granted and/or loaned to another individual for purposes of extending available speaking time, and comments must be kept brief, non-repetitive, and professional in nature. ] NONE. THE UH, ALL MATTERS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION UNLESS A DIRECTORS STATE STAFF MEMBER OR MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE REQUEST SEPARATE ACTION OR REMOVAL OF AN ITEM WILL BE CONSIDERED FOLLOWING THE CONSENT CALENDAR. PORTION OF THIS AGENDA SHALL BE LIMITED. THREE MINUTES PER INDIVIDUAL WITH A TOTAL TIME LIMIT OF 30 MINUTES PER ITEM HAS BEEN REMOVED FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION UNLESS OTHERWISE MODIFIED BY THE CHAIR. SPEAKING TIME MAY NOT BE GRANTED AND LOANED TO INDIVIDUAL FOR PURPOSES OF EXTENDING AVAILABLE SPEAKING TIME, COMMENTS MUST BE KEPT BRIEF, REPETITIVE, AND PROFESSIONAL IN NATURE. UH, DO WE HAVE, UH, EXCUSE INCLUDE ITEMS ONE. THREE. WE HAVE CALL FOR REMOVAL OF ITEMS BY STAFF. MR. CHAIR, ANYONE IN THE AUTHORITY? NO. THE AUDIENCE CALL FOR ACTION? YES. ALRIGHT. UH, WILL THE AUTHORITY PLEASE VOTE? UH, ALL THOSE IN FAVOR SAY AYE. AYE. ALL THOSE, NONE IN FAVOR, SAY NO. ANY ABSTENTIONS, NONE WILL MOVE ON. NO PUBLIC HEARINGS OR CONSIDERATION AS AT THIS TIME. ANY COMMENTS FROM STAFF? I'M SIR. UH, ANY COMMENTS FROM DIRECTORS? THE MEETING IS NOW ADJOURNED. * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.